FastPolyEval  1.0
Fast Evaluation of Real and Complex Polynomials
tools Directory Reference

This folder contains some tools, like arrays to do IO and conversions of polynomials, time measuring tools, etc.



file  array.h [code]
 Definition of a variable length array of arbitary precision complex numbers that are based on mpfr.
file  arrayf.h [code]
 Definition of a variable length array of machine floating point complex numbers.
file  chrono.h [code]
 Tools for precise time measuring.
file  debug.h [code]
 A few basic tool for easy debug when usinf MPFR.

Detailed Description

This folder contains some tools, like arrays to do IO and conversions of polynomials, time measuring tools, etc.

There are two types of arrays, depending of the type of coefficients of polynomials, machine floating point numbers, or arbitary precision numbers that are based on mpfr.